RC Racing TV series 2

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Bigscale Guru
Bigscale Guru
Berichten: 3609
Lid geworden op: za jan 27, 2007 8:22 am
Land: Nederland
Provincie: Limburg
Zenderset: Futaba 3PKS
Frequentie: Spektrum Pro 2.4GHz
Locatie: Panningen

RC Racing TV series 2

Berichtdoor Roel » di mar 18, 2008 7:28 am

RC Racing TV series 2


Welcome to RCRacing, bringing the action and excitement of RC car racing to a TV screen near you every month!
The World's only TV RC racing program, on Motors TV

RCRacing is a magazine show for all RC car enthusiasts from the bashers in the park to the World Championship contenders. We will cover all elements of RC car (and bike!) racing.

Series TWO is now online, episode 4 now available.....now also available in a SuperHighResolution!
RC Racing S2 Episode 4 Premiers on Wednesday 6th Feb!

The latest edition of the worlds premiere RC TV show premiers on Motors TV this Wednesday with repeat showings throughout the month.

This month we have a report from the Autosport Show taking in all the action from the BRCA stand, we’re in Vegas for the IIC 1/12th Mod final, with full commentary by John Hindhaugh, and we have an exclusive in-depth interview with World Champion Andy Moore as he looks forward to the season, and most importantly the 2008 World Championships in Thailand. Plus news and reviews of the latest vehicles from HPI and Kyosho.

UK Transmission times below – European viewers please check Motors schedules
Archive page for Series ONE, episodes 1 to 8 is available rcracing.tvhere.

Series 2 - Episode 1


Series 2 - Episode 2


Series 2 - Episode 3

bron: rcracing.tv
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