King Cobra: Brake Disks to fit HPI Baja 5B

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Bigscale Guru
Bigscale Guru
Berichten: 3609
Lid geworden op: za jan 27, 2007 8:22 am
Land: Nederland
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King Cobra: Brake Disks to fit HPI Baja 5B

Berichtdoor Roel » do sep 24, 2009 12:33 pm


King Cobra: Brake Adaptor plates and Brake Disks to fit HPI Baja 5B

We have made a new pair of adaptor plates and front brake disks so you can fit hydraulic or cable brakes to your HPI Baja 5B front wheels.
The new CNC cut alloy adaptor plates come complete with a new set of laser cut brake disks to fit the HPI wheel driver, so now you can add the brakes of your choice to the front wheels of your Baja.

Some drivers have aready fitted brakes by custom making their own parts - but now you can just buy them from us and only have the fitting of the cables or master cylinders to worry about.

The brake adaptor plates are drilled and threaded to accept FG standard fitting wheel cylinders (hydraulic) or calipers (cable operated) so just about any manufacturers brakes should fit OK as this seems to be the "industry standard" everyone works to.

These kits come with two adaptor plates - one for each steering hub, and two laser cut brake disks to fit the standard HPI wheel drivers.

Part number KCR118. Price including vat for the mounting plates and laser cut disk set is just £31.50.

The new HPI brake disk

The adaptor plate fits snugly to the hub

Velle est posse


Re: King Cobra: Brake Disks to fit HPI Baja 5B

Berichtdoor Dr.Dre. » do sep 24, 2009 6:09 pm

@ Benne beste schijven :shock: ,kheb ze er zelf niet op zitten :-k ,,,,,,,,,,,,,ben niet van het remmen, tis niet nodig on the beach, gr.Dr.Dre. ;)

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