The new 26T/37T steel gear set from MCD

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Race-runner, Monster, Baja1000, Rally

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Bigscale Guru
Bigscale Guru
Berichten: 3609
Lid geworden op: za jan 27, 2007 8:22 am
Land: Nederland
Provincie: Limburg
Zenderset: Futaba 3PKS
Frequentie: Spektrum Pro 2.4GHz
Locatie: Panningen

The new 26T/37T steel gear set from MCD

Berichtdoor Roel » ma sep 29, 2008 7:42 pm

The new 26T/37T steel gear set from MCD


MCD have just made some more steel gears to fit their cars. These new gears are sold as a matching pair of 26t and 37t.
The continuing development of the MCD car range puts even more clear air between itself and the less energetic rivals.

These new gears are not just steel copies of exisiting plastic gears - they differ in two significant ways. Firstly, they offer a new gear ratio that is not available from any existing plastic gears.

The advantage of being an actively involved owner of the business that actually races the cars himself in the UK and Germany ( as well as on his own circuits in Turkey), is that he knows what the drivers want, and this new gear ratio is going to make a superb new addition to the MCD range.

The second difference is that these new steel gears have been very well shaped and lightened to make them look good and weigh as littel as possible.
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