Hot Bodies HT PROTO TIRE rear (HPI Baja 5b)

Post hier alles over HPI Racing
Baja 5b, 5b 2.0, 5T

Moderator: Moderator's groep

Berichten: 951
Lid geworden op: wo nov 28, 2007 10:44 pm
Land: NL
Merk: Homemade
Type: Monsterbeetle Pro XL
auto 2: Losi
Type 2: 22T
Zenderset: Spectrum DX3C
Frequentie: 2.4GHz DSM
Club: RCLargescale
Locatie: Ommen

Hot Bodies HT PROTO TIRE rear (HPI Baja 5b)

Berichtdoor RonW » vr feb 26, 2010 12:02 pm

Hot Bodies HT PROTO TIRE rear (HPI Baja 5b)


With large tread lugs these tires are durable and still provide excellent grip making them good all around tires that are best suited for soft terrain and long mains. Red is soft compound and White is medium compound.

Pink compound is our softest and is best suited for racing and ultra low-traction surfaces.
Red compound is soft for racing or low-traction surfaces.
White compound is medium, great for practice and all-around use.
Blue compound is firm for high-bite tracks.

$31.93 ... pcs-2.aspx" onclick=";return false;
"project" MonsterBeetle Pro XL/XL!!!!!


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