Triple A Racing: New "Curve" Wings
Yet more new wing designs from Alan at Triple A Racing to add to our list of optional wings available to fit your large scale buggy.
This latest design idea is "curved" where the flat wing blade is gently bent until it blends in with the main downforce "flap" part of the wng.
Previous AAA wings (like most others) have had a definate sharp bend line in this area, so this one looks a lot smoother!
The Bi-Plane version of the single blade type is the same, but also gains the additional "flying wing" on its top surface, and these two blades run a lot closer than previously at its rear exit to squeeze forced air a little more as it escapes.
Both the original "single" wing idea and the "double" (Bi-Plane) wings have proved very popular with the race drivers, and this new super-smooth version gives a slight design change for those that would like something a little different.
The one thing that has not changed is the name, and the reason for the name. These wings remain Super Tuff, and are porbably the best large scale buggy wings you can buy!
KCR120 is the number for the single "Curve" wing price £24.99, and KCR121 is the number for the double (Bi-Plane) wing price £29.99.
You can order these Super-Tuff wings from any UK model shop, and we can deliver them to your local shop "next day" so you don't have to wait too long to get one.

Super-Tuff Curve Wing

Super-Tuff Curve Bi-Plane Wing
Also available online" onclick=";return false;
Yet more new wing designs from Alan at Triple A Racing to add to our list of optional wings available to fit your large scale buggy.
This latest design idea is "curved" where the flat wing blade is gently bent until it blends in with the main downforce "flap" part of the wng.
Previous AAA wings (like most others) have had a definate sharp bend line in this area, so this one looks a lot smoother!
The Bi-Plane version of the single blade type is the same, but also gains the additional "flying wing" on its top surface, and these two blades run a lot closer than previously at its rear exit to squeeze forced air a little more as it escapes.
Both the original "single" wing idea and the "double" (Bi-Plane) wings have proved very popular with the race drivers, and this new super-smooth version gives a slight design change for those that would like something a little different.
The one thing that has not changed is the name, and the reason for the name. These wings remain Super Tuff, and are porbably the best large scale buggy wings you can buy!
KCR120 is the number for the single "Curve" wing price £24.99, and KCR121 is the number for the double (Bi-Plane) wing price £29.99.
You can order these Super-Tuff wings from any UK model shop, and we can deliver them to your local shop "next day" so you don't have to wait too long to get one.

Super-Tuff Curve Wing

Super-Tuff Curve Bi-Plane Wing
Also available online" onclick=";return false;