Modified RC Roll Cage Risers Baja

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Baja 5b, 5b 2.0, 5T

Moderator: Moderator's groep

Bigscale Guru
Bigscale Guru
Berichten: 3609
Lid geworden op: za jan 27, 2007 8:22 am
Land: Nederland
Provincie: Limburg
Zenderset: Futaba 3PKS
Frequentie: Spektrum Pro 2.4GHz
Locatie: Panningen

Modified RC Roll Cage Risers Baja

Berichtdoor Roel » do mar 04, 2010 7:39 am

Modified RC Roll Cage Risers


These risers lift the rear of the roll cage and wing to provide more clearance for rear exhaust systems.

The risers work great with the rear Dominator pipes, JetPro pipes, and the HPI pipe. They create roll cage clearance for the rear Dominator pipes to keep the cage from melting. They create wing clearance for the JetPro and HPI pipes so the wing will be less likely to warp or melt.

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